Bhairava Stotram By Saint Abhinava Guptha Translated by P.R.Ramachander Source ( Abhinava Guptha was one of the very great saints of Kashmir Saivism. He lived most probably before Adhi Shankara .Some people believe that ADhi Sankara met him and he was defeated in argument. This great prayer was composed by him just before his death. It seems chanting this prayer he entered called BHirava Guha , never to come out again. The Sanskrit original of this prayer is available in And a commentary in English of this prayer is available in abhinava -gupta-acharya-virachita-bhairava-stotram.html) 1.Vyapatha charachara bhava visesham, Chinmayameka manantha manadhim, Bhairava Nadha manadha s...